How to paint landscape elements - Skies and trees in watercolor
Offered By: Skillshare
Course Description
This class will be all about how to paint different landscape elements.
I will show you the colors you will need for each element and the brushes I like to use for landscape paintings.
The sky is the key element, as it sets the whole tone and atmosphere for the picture. I decided to show you four different skies and moods: A cloudless summer sky, a cloudy sky, a cloudy and rainy sky which is more dramatic and a stormy, rough and cold, dramatic sky.
Then we will talk about how to paint evergreens in different distances: masses in the background, masses in the middle ground and individual specimen in the foreground.
We will take a look on how to paint deciduous trees with summer and autumn foliage and I will show you how to paint them in winter and how to choose the colors for the different seasons. I will show you how to paint tree masses and how I paint hedgerows and grasses.
- 1 - Intro
- 2 - Materials
- 3 - Skies and clouds
- 4a - Evergreens
- 4b - Evergreens
- 5 - Deciduous trees
- 6 - Class Project: Sky and mountains
- 7 - Class Project: Background trees
- 8 - Class Project: Middle ground trees
- 9 - Class Project: First washes of the foreground
- 10 - Class Project: Middle ground second layer
- 11 - Class Project: Second layer of the foreground
- 12 - Class Project: Textures on stones and path
- 13 - Class Project: Textures
- 14 - Class Project: Last details with ink and white marker
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