How To Paint Butterflies - Drawing & Painting Butterflies in Watercolor
Offered By: Skillshare
Course Description
Learn basic techniques for drawing and painting butterflies in realistic watercolor. I will teach you principles you can apply to draw or paint any butterfly or moth, and I will share my step by step process from pencil sketch to finished watercolor.
We will take a quick look at butterfly anatomy, and I will share some tricks that will make it easier to get these wonderful creatures looking right on paper. Butterflies look great when painted in watercolor or colored pencils, and you can create striking illustrations with them.
This class is perfect for anyone who wants to learn to draw these joyful creatures that can be observed everywhere, and who wants to connect with nature through studying and drawing butterflies. The class is great for beginners, and with the step by step process I show and a bit of practice, you’ll be sketching butterflies in no time. You will need basic drawing skills for the class, and a way to add color to your sketches. This class is suitable for beginners and intermediate students.
I’m Julia, an illustrator and nature journaler from Germany, and I’m excited to share my favorite sketchbook techniques with you.
- Introduction
- Tools
- Butterfly Anatomy
- Sketching Tips
- Adding Color
- Sketching a Blue Butterfly
- Drawing Butterflies From Different Positions
- Painting A Monarch
- Swallowtail in watercolor
- Swallowtail side view (in ink)
- Your Project
Taught by
Julia Bausenhardt
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