Gouache for Illustrators - 3 different styles
Offered By: Skillshare
Course Description
In this class I will teach you everything I know about gouache. I'll walk you through different exercises to practice water control and handling the thickness of the paint, special effects, different ways to blend colors and more. Then we will paint the same illustration three ways to create totally different styles that will help you not only understand the characteristics of this amazing paint but also inform your decisions when creating future pieces of artwork to start developing your own unique style and voice.
This class is for beginners or even more experienced users that want to explore different ways to use the paint just by changing the amount of water you use.
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- Introduction
- Supplies + Class Project
- Gouache - The Basics
- Basic Techniques
- Color Palette
- Watercolor Style
- Graphic Vector Style
- Blended Oil-like Style
- Developing your Own Style + Conclusions
Taught by
Sandra Bowers Art
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