File Organization and Sell Sheet Design with Procreate, Adobe Photoshop, Dropbox and Airtable

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Productivity Courses Adobe Photoshop Courses Procreate Courses Airtable Courses

Course Description


Welcome to this class File Organization and Sell Sheet Design with Procreate, Adobe Photoshop, Dropbox and Airtable. In this class I will sharing my personal workflow of creating collections in Procreate, finishing them in a professional way in designed sell sheets using Adobe Photoshop so they are ready for sale, making sure that all my artwork is backed up in several places such as Dropbox, and further organizing in a database using Airtable. 

When just starting out as an illustrator in 2007 I had zero system for taking care of my digital files, my portfolio, and my over all business. It was a hot mess to say the least! In 2015 I got my act together by starting to get my business organized. Everything from my digital files, my back up system and started to build a database for myself so that I could easily understand what art I've designed, the contacts I have made and the deals that I have landed. I am so very excited to share my process with you in this class. Having a simple system for your business that you can easily keep up with that isn't too overwhelming has personally helped me so much and I hope it will help you as well. Let's get organized!


All illustrators, artists or surface designers of any level who don't feel like you have a system for all the artwork you are creating and would like to learn how to create a simple and effective way of organizing. As well as would like to feel confident in knowing how to prepare a professional final file to future clients.


Supplies you will need to create the class project:

  • Your art in digital file format. Doesn't matter which program you use to create your artwork. I personally use Procreate. Both Photoshop and Illustrator are industry standard.
  • A desktop computer.
  • Back up external harddrive and/or Dropbox or other cloud storage service.
  • Adobe Photoshop. (I personally use Procreate and Photoshop but you can easily adapt everything to Adobe Illustrator if that is your program of choice.
  • Airtable, a free account. No need to upgrade to the paid version.

My other Skillshare classes mentioned in this class:

1. Procreate to Photoshop Patterns: https://skl.sh/3qnM1Fv

2. How to Professionally Approach Buyers https://skl.sh/2N670Ia

3. Collections for Art Licensing https://skl.sh/3a6H5wv


In this class I will be sharing a process of getting organized.

We will cover the following:

  • How to organize your digital files on your computer into intuitive folders.
  • Back up using external harddrive and/or Dropbox (or similar.)
  • How I simply organize and backup my files in Procreate.
  • How to design a sell sheet with an illustration. A professional file ready for sale.
  • How to design a sell sheet with a pattern.
  • How to build a basic Airtable database for your artwork.
  • Plus some advanced tips for using Airtable.

I am so excited to share my tips with you and to see what you all come up with in your class projects!

xoxo Kristina


  • My Facebook group for aspiring full time creatives. JOIN HERE.
  • My Creative Business Newsletter: I'd like to invite you to join my mailing list with tons of free resources for inspiring and building your creative business. SIGN UP HERE
  • Instagram @emmakisstina. FOLLOW ME.
  • Also please remember to press the FOLLOW button here on Skillshare to be notified of upcoming classes and news. Write a review too :)
  • Plus check out my PROFILE PAGE to learn more about all the other amazing classes I am teaching here on Skillshare. I've organized them into categories for you, yay!
  • Want even more illustration classes? Check out the Skillshare Illustration section here.


  • Let's Get Organized!
  • Supplies and Your Class Project
  • Organization Basics
  • Airtable Overview
  • Building Your Database
  • Procreate Organization
  • File Set up The Sell Sheet
  • Pattern File Sell Sheet
  • Airtable Advanced
  • Thank You for Watching

Taught by

Kristina Hultkrantz

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