Everyone Can Draw! 5 Drawing Exercises for Non-Drawers
Offered By: Skillshare
Course Description
Have you ever heard someone say “I can’t even draw a straight line!”? Or maybe you say that about yourself.
Well, I’ve got news for you. I’ve been drawing for over a decade now and I don’t think there is a single straight line in my drawings. Drawing is not about making perfect lines. Drawing is about capturing a moment you want to enjoy later and you can do that with wiggly lines, curved lines, uncertain lines or even incomplete lines.
DRAWING IS NOT A TALENT, IT'S A CHOICE! When you make that choice and grab the pencil, drawing is almost inevitable. Like we did when we were kids. Imagine a kid getting hold of a colored pencil. At that point even the paper is optional. That kid is gonna draw! Because he is not thinking if his lines are gonna be straight or if it’s gonna look good. He just does it!
So, I want to take you back to those times with really simple drawing exercises to remind you that YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES! You can draw and in fact you should. We will do kind of exercises that don't require you to have any experience or any special equipment.
You will do them alongside me and focus on the moment, not on the drawing, not on how it looks. Just follow me. And at the end, you will have drawings done. And prove yourself that actually “YOU CAN DRAW!”
And after this class if you are still going on about the straight lines, I’ll buy you a ruler. How about that? =) (It's a joke. I will not.)
- Intro
- Class Project
- A Few Words About Drawing
- Blind Contour
- Continuous Contour
- Random Monsters
- Downside Up
- Simple Shapes
- Cityscape
- Copy Me
- Copy Everything Part 1
- Copy Everything Part 2
- The Conclusion
Taught by
Fatih Mıstaçoğlu
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