Career Success: Creating the Perfect CV/RÉSUMÉ (Investment Banking, Consulting, Finance, etc. )
Offered By: Skillshare
Course Description
This class is an in-depth deep dive into everything you need to know in order to construct a powerful CV/résumé for applying to spring weeks, internships and graduate schemes at investment banks, finance firms, consulting firms and more.
We cover a range of topics including:
- Structuring your CV to get attention
- The keys to formatting appropriately
- Leveraging powerful bullet points
- How to use buzzwords
- Why results in your experiences are vital
- Positioning irrelevant experience accordingly
- Organisation of sections and content to include
- Extracurricular activities and leadership roles
- Common questions and pitfalls
- And so much more!
This course is for all levels regardless of academic or work experience.
By the end of this course you will have a CV/résumé that will pique the readers' interest and help you increase your chances of securing that all important interview/assessment centre offer.
For more information on me check out the 'About me' section on my profile and be sure to follow me for updates on new and upcoming courses.
Thanks, and enjoy!
Afzal Hussein
- An introduction
- Before you start
- Structure, length, font size, font style, colours and images
- Header
- Formatting
- Powerful bullet points
- Buzzwords and key competencies
- Results
- Grammar & attention to detail
- Consistency
- Margins and spacing
- Education
- Work experience
- Extracurricular activities and leadership experience
- Skills, activities and interests
- 9 common questions
- Reviewing your CV/Résumé
- An important piece of advice
Taught by
Afzal Hussein
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