Capcut Basics: Filming and Editing Video Content on Your Phone

Offered By: Skillshare


Video Editing Courses Content Creation Courses Mobile Filmmaking Courses CapCut Courses

Course Description


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Filming and Editing High Quality Content on Your Phone just got easier with CapCut

This is the class that has taken what I have learned over years of content creation and turning into an efficient way to create and edit short-form content within CapCut. 

This class is for anyone looking for a better way to edit their videos on their phone. Not only will you receive a tutorial of how to navigate and edit within CapCut, you will also learn how to create the most effective forms of content to grow your following today! 

You can come to this class not having ever made a piece of content before and by the end of the lessons, you will be able to make engaging content that grabs your audience's attention and converts. This class takes both content creation strategy and traditional video editing techniques and combines them by using the CapCut app to take your videos to the next level, all from the convenience of your phone - NO COMPUTER NECESSARY 

By the end of this class you will gain: 

  • The understanding of the CapCut interface
  • Knowledge of how to edit videos within CapCut
  • The ability to film multiple forms of content right from your phone
  • The secrets of what types of videos perform best and how to make them 
  • Video editing fundamentals that transfer to any editing application

The information covered in these lessons took me years of trial, error, and research to uncover, but you will have an accelerated path through all of it with this class. With the free CapCut app you can edit any type of video, but you will have the knowledge of how to quickly film, edit, export, and post videos right from your phone. 

This class would have saved me years of experimentation and that's why I'm passing off everything I've learned to you! So if you're ready to take your content to the next level, or even just get started filming and editing on your phone, then this is the class for you. Even if you don't want to make content yourself, and just edit for another creator, this class has everything you need to do just that. 


  • Intro
  • Project Overview
  • Defining Content Pillars
  • Planning a Hook
  • Filming and Editing: Talking Head
  • Filming and Editing: Voiceovers
  • Filming and Editing: Trends
  • Final thoughts
  • Bonus Lesson Capcut Templates

Taught by

Fynn Badgley

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