Building your first React application in 75 minutes or so
Offered By: Skillshare
Course Description
In this course, you are going to learn how to build an application using React. First, you will learn why React is such an awesome library to build web applications. Then we are going to go over the basics of React. Then we will use this knowledge to build an application to see some of the top rated movies. Of course, we will make this a nice looking application and wrap up by deploying it to the web.
Based on the experience from this course you will be able to start creating your own React applications.
We are going to start from scratch so no prior React experience is required. I am assuming you are familiar with HTML, JavaScript 5 and CSS however. I will be using newer JavaScript syntax in places but I will explain these as we go along.
- What is React?
- Personal introduction
- Why learn React
- What you will learn
- Modern JavaScript
- The class project
- Creating a new React project
- Exploring the project
- What is JSX?
- What is Babel?
- Creating a new React component
- Using props to pass data
- Repeating components
- Managing state
- Loading data using an AJAX call
- Material Design
- Adding the AppBar
- Creating a movie card
- Displaying movie details
- Searching for movies
- Deploying the application
- Summary
Taught by
Maurice Beijer
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