Blog Post Idea Generation: 30+ Ways to Come Up with Ideas for Your Blog
Offered By: Skillshare
Course Description
When it comes to running a successful blog, coming up with blog post ideas is half the battle. In fact, when people join my email list, in the first email, I ask them to reply and tell me their biggest blogging challenge. At least 25% of them say, "Coming up with blog post ideas," or "Knowing what to write about," or something similar.
That's what motivated me to write my book, Blogger's Quick Guide to Blog Post Ideas, and to then create this class.
The bottom line is that it truly is easier to write when you have an abundance of ideas rather than sitting there looking at a blank page, wondering what to write.
So in this class, I give you 30+ ways to generate blog post ideas. Many of them take 10 minutes or less and can give you an endless - YES, endless - supply of blog post ideas.
The Project For This Class
For your class project, you'll pick one of the idea-generation methods in this class. Set a timer for 10 minutes, and using the method, see how many ideas you can come up with before the timer goes off. Share the method you used, along with your blog post ideas that you came up with with the rest of us.
Check Out These Companion Classes
By the way, as a companion to this course, be sure to check out these two classes as well:
- Capture Your Writing Ideas: How to Never Lose Track of Blog and Book Ideas - Trust me, you're going to want to have a way to keep track of all of the amazing ideas you come up with as a result of taking this class!
- Nurture Creativity: Easy Ways for Bloggers and Authors to Nurture Their Writing Souls - Even with a ton of techniques to come up with blog post ideas, if your well is filled with nothing but dry, cracked soil, it's hard for the ideas to flow. So consider investing in nurturing your creativity.
Happy writing!
- Intro
- Brainstorming and Templates
- Speeches, Videos, Books
- Reviews
- Heroes, Villains and Case Studies
- Successes, Failures, and Stories
- Your Own Blog
- Holidays, Special Events, Questions
- Use (Almost) Any Object
- Blog a Book
- Other People's Content
- Curation
- Content Repurposing and Guest Contributors
- Series and Trends
- Themes and Lists
- Researcher, Comments and Experiences
- Amazon
- Title Generators, Jargon, Negativity
- BQG Ideas Your Project
Taught by
Rebecca Livermore
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