Adobe Illustrator for Fashion: Learn the Basics and Create your First Flat

Offered By: Skillshare


Adobe Illustrator Courses Digital Art Courses Fashion Design Courses Shading Courses Pen Tool Courses Ribbing Courses

Course Description


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Learning how to use Illustrator to create technical flats for your designs can be daunting and confusing! As a recent graduate of an apparel design program, I vividly remember my classmates and I struggling to learn how to properly create flats. I spent hours reading textbooks and watching tutorials. To simplify the process I've condensed the basics I’ve learned into short, easy lessons.

This class will cover:

  • Setting up a file with a flat template
  • Essential elements of a techincal flat
  • How to draw a flat for a basic t-shirt
  • Tools to create details and stitchlines

No experience is require for this course, but you will need to either get a free 7 day trial of Adobe Illustrator or a subscription to put your skills to use. You can sign up for a free trial at: https://www.adobe.com/products/illustrator/free-trial-download.html. After this class you will be able to create a basic t-shirt flat or variations of your own design! While creating technical flats is not necessarily required as a designer or creative, it can help your clearly communicate your designs to a manufacturer. Also, being able to create them yourself will save time from having details lost in translation or unnecessary spending on outside help.


  • Intro
  • Setting up Your File
  • Using the Pen Tool
  • Starting Your Flat
  • Creating a Symmetrical T-Shirt
  • Adding Stitches
  • Adding Ribbing & Shading

Taught by

Elizabeth Weglein

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