A Blueprint To Designing A Fabric Collection (for Surface Pattern Design)

Offered By: Skillshare


Adobe Courses Color Theory Courses Surface Pattern Design Courses

Course Description


In this class I'll take you step by step through the basics (or Blueprint) of a fabric collection.  We'll talk about what each pattern is used for and how to create it.

 I'll explain the different artboard sizes and their correlation to scale and why this is important for fabric.  

And I'll also show you how I start a collection and my design tricks that I use when I'm creating!

This class is suitable for intermediate to advanced designers who know how to create repeating patterns and are wanting to design for the fabric industry!




Here are a few comments already from students...(a huge thank you!!)

This is a great class. The teacher gives a detailed, thorough class on how to design a fabric collection. You will definitely learn a lot.  Jade Michele G.

Thank you, Deane! You're explanation of how a quilter might use a pattern collection really tied the concept together for me and made it concrete. Great class. Clear and helpful!    Deb E.

Best class ever on pattern design   Erica Ilene


  • Introduction
  • Where to Start
  • The Basics
  • Artboards - Size Matters!
  • The Hero
  • The Secondary
  • The Supporters
  • The Others
  • Colour
  • Scale
  • Thank You!

Taught by

Deane Christiansen

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