1-Sewing Machine Basics- Seen One, Seen Them All

Offered By: Skillshare


Sewing Courses Garment Construction Courses Pattern Reading Courses Sewing Machine Operation Courses Needlework Courses

Course Description


My classes are designed with the absolute beginner in mind, which is why they are a series in order.

1. Sewing Machine Basics - Seen one, you've Seen them all. An experience I had showed me that Sewing Machines have been designed the same way for years. My hope is to diminish anxiety about the Sewing Machine by revealing my Discovery. I compare two machines which I hope will show you how you can use this information in the future. At the end you will find added information about Needles, Tools and How to become A Relaxed and Happy Sewer, followed by the most common issue newbies have with the Sewing machine. This will save you spending $100 for unnecessary Maintenance fees. I welcome any feedback and am always willing to answer questions.  

Other videos:

2.  Understanding Patterns - FREE -Takes the Brand new Sewer through the whole pattern and all the information.  

3- What Sewing Patterns Don't Tell you! Test your Pattern!  I show you how simple it really is. 

4-Sewing Without Reading a Pattern -  The Step by step process the new Sewer will learn what must be done first, and what can be done later by creating samples. I include couture darts, pleats and tucks.  

4b-Sewing Without Reading a Pattern  continued-  3 Basic pockets, Patch, Side Seam pocket and the Front Hip pocket.

5-The Easiest Sleeve Insertion (Couture) is for All Sewers. Perfect for the Beginner who is timid about putting a Sleeve in, this comprehensive coverage should ease your worry. 

General Interest: 

All Sewing Patterns Start like This: (Pattern Drafting Basics Theory)- Background information of the Slash and Spread method showing where pieces may be adapted or changed as learning increases. 



  • Welcome!
  • What's Where
  • My Discovery
  • Filling Bobbins
  • Maintenance
  • Finally, Tips and Tricks
  • Let's Save 100$

Taught by

Marcy Newman

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