Set Up Network and HTTP Load Balancers

Offered By: Google via Google Cloud Skills Boost


Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Courses Cloud Computing Courses Web Server Management Courses Network Load Balancers Courses

Course Description


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In this hands-on lab, you'll learn how setup both network load balancers and HTTP load balancers for your application running in Compute Engine virtual machines.


  • GSP007
  • Overview
  • What you'll learn
  • Setup and requirements
  • Task 1. Set the default region and zone for all resources
  • Task 2. Create multiple web server instances
  • Task 3. Configure the load balancing service
  • Task 4. Sending traffic to your instances
  • Task 5. Create an HTTP load balancer
  • Task 6. Testing traffic sent to your instances
  • Congratulations!


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