Learn Responsive Web Design
Offered By: Scrimba
Course Description
This course will take you to a professional level in responsive web design. You'll learn to build advanced layouts while solving fun coding challenges along the way.
- CSS basics
- Sane CSS defaults
- Specificity and selectors
- CSS best practices
- Text and fonts
- Units and responsive Text
- Flexbox layouts
- Vertical aligning of content
- Design best practices
- Media Queries and viewports
- Forms and how to make them look good
- Advanced flexbox concepts
- CSS Grid layouts
- Icons with Font Awesome
- Transitions and animations
- Adding it all together
- CSS Fundamentals
- 1. Welcome to the course!
- 2. An Important note before we start
- 3. Introduction to the CSS Fundamentals module
- 4. Margin and Padding - Margins and spacing out text
- 5. Margin and Padding - Collapsing margins
- 6. Margin and Padding - Consistency and a new type of selector
- 7. Inline and Block elements
- 8. The span element
- 9. Styling links
- 10. Practice Time!
- 11. Inline-block
- 12. Styling buttons
- 13. Specificity basics
- 14. Specificity - two selectors of equal value
- 15. Compound Selectors
- 16. Compound selectors and specificity
- 17. A better way to name our CSS classes
- 18. The text properties
- 19. Font-family and font stacks
- 20. How to use Google fonts
- 21. Inheritance
- 22. Working with, overwriting, and applying inheritance
- 23. Putting it all together
- 24. Putting it all together - the CSS
- 25. Solution to the challenge and module wrap up
- Starting to think responsively
- 1. Starting to think responsively
- 2. CSS Units
- 3. CSS Units - Percentage
- 4. Controlling the width of images
- 5. min-width and max-width
- 6. CSS Units - The em unit
- 7. The problem with ems
- 8. CSS Units - rems
- 9. Picking which unit to use
- 10. ems and rems - an example
- 11. Flexbox refresher and setting up some HTML
- 12. Basic styles and setting up the columns
- 13. Adding the background color
- 14. Setting the column widths
- 15. Spacing out the columns
- 16. Controlling the vertical position of flex items
- 17. Media Query basics
- 18. Making our layout responsive with flex-direction
- 19. flex-direction explained
- 20. Creating a navigation
- 21. Using flexbox to start styling our navigation
- 22. Making our navigation look good
- 23. Adding the underline
- 24. A more complicated navigation
- 25. Making the navigation responsive
- 26. Taking a look at the rest of the project
- 27. Setting up the structure
- 28. Featured article structure
- 29. The home page - HTML for the recent articles
- 30. home page - html for the aside
- 31. Starting the CSS for our page
- 32. Starting the layout - looking at the big picture
- 33. Starting to think mobile first
- 34. Styling the featured article
- 35. Changing the visual order with flexbox
- 36. Playing with the title's position, and the downsides of negative margins
- 37. Styling recent articles for large screens
- 38. Changing image sizes with object-fit
- 39. Setting up the widgets and talking breakpoints
- 40. Using a new pseudo-class to wrap-up the homepage
- 41. Creating the recent posts page
- 42. Setting up the About Me page
- 43. Fixing up some loose ends
- 44. Important Note: The viewport meta tag
- 45. Module wrap up
- Stepping up our style
- 1. It's time to step up our style
- 2. A look at line-height
- 3. text-transform: uppercase
- 4. Making things easier to read with letter-spacing
- 5. A nice color trick with rgba()
- 6. background-images
- 7. Background images and the file path (very important note)
- 8. Controlling our background images
- 9. BBQ Splash Page - Project Introduction
- 10. Writing the HTML for the BBQ splash page
- 11. Starting to style it up - BBQ Splash Page
- 12. Adding the background image - BBQ Splash Page
- 13. Changing the order - BBQ Splash Page
- 14. Styling the main content area - BBQ Splash page
- 15. Adding the media query - BBQ Splash Page
- 16. Setting up the typography for large screens - BBQ Splash Page
- 17. Starting to set things up for large screens - BBQ Splash Page
- 18. Viewport units
- 19. Adding viewport units to the BBQ Splash Page
- 20. Enter box-sizing: border-box
- 21. Using flexbox to vertically center the main content - BBQ Splash Page
- 22. Fixing the intro section on both small and large screens - BBQ Splash Page
- 23. Dealing with very large screens solution #1
- 24. Dealing with very big screens solution #2
- 25. The very basics of forms
- 26. Form basics - form attributes
- 27. The basics of styling form
- 28. Adding the form - BBQ Splash Page
- 29. Starting to style up the form - BBQ Splash Page
- 30. Making the inputs look good - BBQ Splash Page
- 31. CSS Gradients
- 32. Styling the button - BBQ Splash Page
- 33. Basic transitions
- 34. Intro to transforms (and a quick word on performance)
- 35. We can transition more than :hover
- 36. Border gradients
- 37. Blending images, colors, and gradients with background-blend-mode
- 38. Wrap up
- Taking flexbox to the next level
- 1. Taking flexbox to the next level
- 2. flex-direction, flex-wrap, and flex-flow
- 3. justify-content and align-items and their relationship to flex-direction
- 4. Exploring align-content
- 5. flex-grow and flex-shrink explained
- 6. flex-basis
- 7. The flex shorthand property
- 8. Aligning individual elements with align-self
- 9. Margin auto and flexbox
- 10. Building a card component with flexbox - Introduction
- 11. Building a card component with flexbox - The markup
- 12. Building a card component with flexbox - Typography
- 13. Building a card component with flexbox - Mobile layout
- 14. Building a card component with flexbox - Large screens part one
- 15. Building a card component with flexbox - Large screens part two
- 16. Centering something on the screen with flexbox
- 17. Module wrap-up
- CSS Grid: The ultimate layout tool
- 1. Introduction to CSS Grid
- 2. Setting up a basic grid
- 3. Placing items on the grid
- 4. grid-row and grid-column shorthands
- 5. Spanning columns
- 6. Some similarities to flexbox
- 7. Using grid for our card component
- 8. The grid-gap property
- 9. Adding the gap to our card
- 10. The implicit and explicit grid
- 11. Exploring grid areas
- 12. grid-areas and media queries
- 13. minmax()
- 14. the fr unit
- 15. minmax() and the fr unit
- 16. Putting grid to use - part 1
- 17. Putting grid to use - part 2
- 18. repeat()
- 19. auto-fit and auto-fill
- Taking it to the next level
- 1. Taking it to the next level
- 2. Analyzing the layouts
- 3. Starting work on the homepage
- 4. The HTML for the homepage
- 5. The first lines of CSS you should always write
- 6. Setting up our grid for small screens
- 7. Continuing the hero area
- 8. The "info" section
- 9. Setting up the footer
- 10. Using Font Awesome for our icons
- 11. Wrapping up the footer
- 12. Setting up the grid and hero for larger screens
- 13. Setting up the rest of the page for larger screens
- 14. Starting to style our navigation
- 15. Setting up our navigation for small screens with positioning
- 16. Making the close button
- 17. Creating the "open" state and adding JavaScript to close our navigation
- 18. Adding the open button to our navigation
- 19. Styling the navigation for large screens
- 20. Fixing up the navigation and hero area
- 21. Creating the second page
- 22. Styling the about page
- 23. Exploring box-shadows to get the effect on our images
- 24. Using pseudo-elements to add the yellow lines
- 25. Adding the yellow bar to our titles
- 26. Creating the contact page
- 27. Styling the contact form
- 28. Styling the contact form for larger screens
- 29. The loose ends
- 30. You did it!
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