The Immigrant Experience in the U.S.

Offered By: Santa Barbara City College via California Community Colleges System


Immigration Courses United States History Courses

Course Description


Comparative study of foreign immigrants in the United States from the mid-19th century to the present. Examines ethnic identity and nativist resistance to newcomers. Particular attention is paid to Hispanic and Asian immigrants, as compared to European immigrants. Analyzes the social and economic conditions as well as cultural factors that shape immigrant adjustment patterns.Hours: 54 (54 lecture)Transfer Information: CSUGE Area C2, CSUGE Area D3, CSUGE Area D6, CSUGE Area F, CSU US-1, IGETC Area 3B, IGETC Area 4, IGETC Area 4C, IGETC Area 4F, IGETC Area 7, CSU Transferable, UC Transferable (ETHS 101 and 101H combined: maximum credit, one course.)SBCC General Education: SBCCGE Area B, SBCCGE Area C, SBCCGE Area E2, SBCCGE Area E5Grading Options: Pass/No Pass or Standard Letter

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