Nanoscience and Technology

Offered By: Purdue University via edX


Nanotechnology Courses Quantum Mechanics Courses Semiconductor Physics Courses Transistors Courses Nanoelectronics Courses Nanophotonics Courses Nanoscience Courses

Course Description


Nanoelectronic devices are an integral part of our life, including the billion-plus transistors in every smartphone, each of which has an active region that is only a few hundred atoms in length. This previously unimaginable scale has become possible by thoroughly understanding the critical mechanisms that take place at the scale of individual atoms and molecules. Similarly, nanophotonic devices are built into the core of modern life through technologies such as fiber-optic communications, also known as the backbone of the internet.

You can now learn how to design advanced nanoelectronics and nanophotonics from the creators of nanoHUB, the global nanotechnology research and education portal, even with no prior background in nanotechnology or quantum mechanics. A uniquely designed sequence of courses will help you develop a unified understanding of the essential physics of nanoscale electronic and photonic devices (e.g., field effect transistors, interconnects, lasers and modulators) as well as their important applications in integrated circuits and future electronic and photonic systems.

This sequence of short courses builds all critical concepts from the ground up. Starting from the familiar concepts behind Ohm’s law, the lessons in these short courses lead naturally to a new perspective on even some of the basic physics concepts. This unique viewpoint not only clarifies many old questions about what happens at smaller length scales than we can readily observe but also provides a powerful approach to new questions at the frontier of modern nanoelectronics, such as how devices can be built to control the spin of electrons or other exotic states. Concepts and applications in nanophotonics and fiber optics communications are also discussed. Furthermore, you will learn about the key enabling characteristics of the latest advances in nanophotonic, plasmonic, and metamaterial components and systems.

These courses are intended to be broadly accessible to students in any branch of science or engineering. Students should have a basic familiarity with calculus, elementary differential equations, and elementary circuit concepts such as Ohm’s law. No prior acquaintance with quantum mechanics is assumed. An introductory level understanding of basic semiconductor physics will also be helpful. This topic will be briefly reviewed in this MicroMasters® program and pointers to web-based lectures that cover background topics will be provided.

Our distinguished faculty will share their unique perspective built over 30+ years of leading-edge research and educational innovation in nanotechnology.


Courses under this program:
Course 1: Semiconductor Fundamentals

From smartphones to satellites, semiconductors are everywhere. Tying together physics, chemistry, and electrical engineering, this easy-to-follow introduction provides the background needed to understand devices such as transistors and solar cells.

Course 2: Nanophotonic Modeling

Learn a comprehensive set of simulation techniques to predict the performance of photonic nanostructures.

Course 3: Fundamentals of Current Flow

Gain a new perspective on electron flow in solids with this insightful introduction.

Course 4: Fundamentals of Transistors

This course develops a simple framework for understanding the essential physics of transistors, including modern nanoscale transistors. Important technology considerations and circuit applications are also discussed.

Course 5: Fiber Optic Communications

Learn about the fundamentals of fiber optic communications, with emphasis on the historical background, current practice, and future directions.

Course 6: Introduction to Quantum Transport

This course introduces the non-equilibrium Green’s function (NEGF) method widely used to describe quantum effects in nanoscale devices, along with its applications to spintronic devices.


  • 0 reviews

    5 weeks, 8-9 hours a week, 8-9 hours a week

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    This course is an introduction to photonic materials and devices structured on the wavelength scale. Generally, these systems will be characterized as having critical dimensions at the nanometer scale. These can include nanophotonic, plasmonic, and metamaterials components and systems.

    This course will aim to introduce students to computational techniques employed in current design and research efforts in nanophotonics. You will learn the strengths and weaknesses of each approach; what types of problems call for which one; and how your simulation will perform.

    Techniques include eigenvalue problems, fast Fourier transforms, band structure calculations, rigorous-coupled wave analysis, and finite-difference time-domain. Applications include photovoltaics, thermal management, radiative control, and nonlinear optics. It is expected to be useful for graduate students interested in incorporating these techniques into their projects or thesis research.

    Students taking this course will be required to complete four (4) proctored exams using the edX online Proctortrack software. Completed exams will be scanned and sent using Gradescope for grading by Professor Bermel.

    Recommended Textbook for the course:
    Photonic Crystals: Molding the Flow of Light by J.D. Jaonnopoulos, S.G.Johnson, J.N. Winn, and R.B. Meade, Princeton University Press, 2008
    ISNB Number: 9780691224568

    Nanophotonic Modeling is one course in a growing suite of unique, 1-credit-hour short courses being developed in an edX/Purdue University collaboration. Students may elect to pursue a verified certificate for this specific course alone or as one of the six courses needed for the edX/Purdue MicroMasters program in Nanoscience and Technology. For further information and other courses offered and planned, please see the Nanoscience and Technology page.

    Courses like this can also apply toward a Master's Degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering for students accepted into the full master’s program at Purdue University.

  • 1 review

    6 weeks, 8-9 hours a week, 8-9 hours a week

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    This course provides the essential foundations required to understand the operation of semiconductor devices such as transistors, diodes, solar cells, light-emitting devices, and more. The material will primarily appeal to electrical engineering students whose interests are in applications of semiconductor devices in circuits and systems. The treatment is physical and intuitive, and not heavily mathematical.

    Technology users will gain an understanding of the semiconductor physics that is the basis for devices. Semiconductor technology developers may find it a useful starting point for diving deeper into condensed matter physics, statistical mechanics, thermodynamics, and materials science. The course presents an electrical engineering perspective on semiconductors, but those in other fields may find it a useful introduction to the approach that has guided the development of semiconductor technology for the past 50+ years.

    Students taking this course will be required to complete two (2) proctored exams using the edX online Proctortrack software.
    Completed exams will be scanned and sent using Gradescope for grading.

    Semiconductor Fundamentals is one course in a growing suite of unique, 1-credit-hour short courses being developed in an edX/Purdue University collaboration. Students may elect to pursue a verified certificate for this specific course alone or as one of the six courses needed for the edX/Purdue MicroMasters program in Nanoscience and Technology. For further information and other courses offered and planned, please see the Nanoscience and Technology page. Courses like this can also apply toward a Purdue University MSECE degree for students accepted into the full master’s program.

  • 0 reviews

    5 weeks, 5-6 hours a week, 5-6 hours a week

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    Very different from what is taught in standard courses, "Fundamentals of Current Flow" provides a unified conceptual framework for ballistic and diffusive transport of both electrons and phonons - essential information for understanding nanoelectronic devices.

    The traditional description of electronic motion through a solid is based on diffusive transport, which means that the electron takes a random walk from the source to the drain of a transistor, for example. However, modern nanoelectronic devices often have channel lengths comparable to a mean free path so that electrons travel ballistically, or "like a bullet."

    Verified students taking this course will be required to complete three (3) proctored exams using the edX online Proctortrack software. To be sure your computer is compatible, see Proctortrack Technical Requirements.

    Nanoscience and Technology MicroMasters ®

    Fundamentals of Current Flow is one course in a growing suite of unique, 1-credit-hour short courses developed in an edX/Purdue University collaboration. Students may elect to pursue a verified certificate for this specific course alone or as one of the six courses needed for the edX/Purdue MicroMasters® program in Nanoscience and Technology.

    For further information and other courses offered, see the Nanoscience and Technology MicroMasters® page. Courses like this can also apply toward a Purdue University MSECE degree for students accepted into the full master’s program.

  • 0 reviews

    5 weeks, 8-9 hours a week, 8-9 hours a week

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    This course introduces the Schrödinger equation, using the tight-binding method to discuss the concept of bandstructure and E(k) relations, followed by an introduction to the NEGF method with simple illustrative examples. Concept of spinors is introduced along with the application of the NEGF method to spintronic devices.

    No prior background in quantum mechanics or statistical mechanics is assumed.

    Verified students taking this course will be required to complete three (3) proctored exams using the edX online Proctortrack software. To be sure your computer is compatible, see Proctortrack Technical Requirements.

    Nanoscience and Technology MicroMasters ®

    Introduction to Quantum Transport is one course in a growing suite of unique, one-credit-hour short courses developed in an edX/Purdue University collaboration. Students may elect to pursue a verified certificate for this specific course alone or as one of the six courses needed for the edX/Purdue MicroMasters® program in Nanoscience and Technology.

    For further information and other courses offered, see the Nanoscience and Technology MicroMasters® page. Courses like this can also apply toward a Purdue University MSECE degree for students accepted into the full master’s program.

  • 0 reviews

    6 weeks, 8-9 hours a week, 8-9 hours a week

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    The transistor has been called the greatest invention of the 20th century - it enabled the electronics systems that have shaped the world we live in. Today's nanotransistors are a high volume, high impact success of the nanotechnology revolution. This is a course on how this scientifically interesting and technologically important device operates. The course is designed for anyone seeking a sound, physical, intuitive understanding of how modern transistors operate. Important technology considerations and applications of transistors are also discussed. The focus is on MOSFETs for digital logic, but analog applications and other types of transistors are briefly considered.

    This course is broadly accessible to students with only a very basic knowledge of semiconductor physics and electronic circuits. Topics include device metrics for digital and analog circuits, traditional MOSFET theory, the virtual source model, 1D and 2D electrostatics, Landauer/transmission approach to nanotransistors, the limits of MOSFETs, as well as a quick look at HEMTs, bipolar transistors, and compact circuit models. The course should be useful for advanced undergraduates, beginning graduate students, as well as practicing engineers and scientists.

    This course is part of a Purdue initiative that aims to complement the expertise that students develop with the breadth at the edges needed to work effectively in today's multidisciplinary environment. These serious short courses require few prerequisites and provide a general framework that can be filled in with self-study when needed.

    Students taking this course will be required to complete two (2) proctored exams using the edX online Proctortrack software.
    Completed exams will be scanned and sent using Gradescope for grading.

    Fundamentals of Transistors is one course in a growing suite of unique, 1-credit-hour short courses being developed in an edX/Purdue University collaboration. Students may elect to pursue a verified certificate for this specific course alone or as one of the six courses needed for the edX/Purdue MicroMasters program in Nanoscience and Technology. For further information and other courses offered and planned, please see the Nanoscience and Technology page. Courses like this can also apply toward a Purdue University MSECE degree for students accepted into the full master’s program.

  • 1 review

    5 weeks, 7-9 hours a week, 7-9 hours a week

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    This course will aim to introduce students to the fundamentals of fiber optic communications, which constitute the backbone of the internet. The course will start with a refresher on the operation of key components needed for an effective fiber optic communication system, and then show how these components interact at a system level. Finally, the course will conclude with outlook for future research in extending the capabilities of these networks to higher bandwidths and quantum-secured communications.

    Students taking this course will be required to complete four (4) proctored exams using the edX online Proctortrack software.

    Completed exams will be scanned and sent using Gradescope for grading by Professor Bermel.
    Fiber Optic Communications is one course in a growing suite of unique, 1-credit-hour short courses being developed in an edX/Purdue University collaboration. Students may elect to pursue a verified certificate for this specific course alone or as one of the six courses needed for the edX/Purdue MicroMasters program in Nanoscience and Technology. For further information and other courses offered and planned, please see the Nanoscience and Technology page.

    Courses like this can also apply toward a Master's Degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering for students accepted into the full master’s program at Purdue University.

Taught by

Sayan Roy, Supriyo Datta, Jan Kaiser, Mark S. Lundstrom, Yubo Sun, Peter Bermel, Bikram K. Mahajan and Shuvro Chowdhury


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