Prototyping and Design

Offered By: University of Minnesota via Coursera


Design & Creativity Courses Prototyping Courses Accessibility Courses User Research Courses User Interface Design Courses User-Centered Design Courses

Course Description


In this course you will learn how to design and prototype user interfaces to address the users and tasks identified in user research. Through a series of lectures and exercises, you will learn and practice paper- and other low-fidelity prototyping techniques; you will learn and apply principles from graphic design, including design patterns; you will learn to write a design rationale; and you will learn how to design for specific populations and situations, including principles and practices of accessible design.


  • Preface
    • A brief introduction to the topic and course structure.
  • Interface Prototyping Techniques
    • An introduction to prototyping, including paper and tool-based prototyping.
  • Design Principles and Patterns
    • An introduction to design principles from graphic design, interaction design patterns, and two examples of commercial design guidelines and standards.
  • Universal Design, Accessibility, Special Populations
    • An introduction to universal design, with specific lectures focused on particular impairments, limitations, and populations.
  • Design for Different Platforms and Contexts
    • A look at several important and challenging design contexts and how interfaces can address those contexts.

Taught by

Brent Hecht, Haiyi Zhu, Joseph A Konstan, Loren Terveen and Lana Yarosh


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