Competencies for seeking, keeping and advancing in a job

Offered By: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid via edX


Career Development Courses Communication Skills Courses Career Planning Courses Inclusivity Courses Social Skills Courses Career Guidance Courses

Course Description


The objective of this online course is to improve your employability with a series of learning modules about different competencies: career guidance; social, communication and emotional skills; and creating a career project. It will be useful for you improving your opportunities of access, permanence and promotion in any type of job, since the competencies we work on here are valid for almost any type of professional profile.

The course is practical and designed to be accessible to people with intellectual disabilities and other people who need support for inclusion in the labour market. It includes videos, activities, texts and diagrams that we’ve designed to help you improve your training for employment.

Taught by

Dolores Izuzquiza Gasset, Pablo Rodríguez Herrero, Andrés Cabrera García and Agustín de la Herrán Gascón


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