Global Procurement and Sourcing

Offered By: Rutgers University via Coursera


Procurement Courses Supply Chain Management Courses Supplier Management Courses

Course Description


We will start with a “proven” model for Strategic Sourcing, then move on to the very important topic of Supplier Management. In Supplier Management, you will learn how to select and evaluate suppliers, implement appropriate contracts, and how to mitigate risks. In Supply Market Analysis, you will learn and understand various tools and techniques to evaluate supply markets. Lastly, the course will cover the very important topic of negotiation. Outside reading will be provided to reinforce your knowledge. In addition, case studies will be used to bring these learning to life, and assessment will be used to test your overall knowledge.


Course 1: Procurement & Sourcing Introduction
- Offered by Rutgers the State University of New Jersey. After a warm Welcome to the Global Procurement and Sourcing Specialization, I will ... Enroll for free.

Course 2: Procurement Basics
- Offered by Rutgers the State University of New Jersey. This Course includes basic information on procurement, Importance of the ... Enroll for free.

Course 3: Strategic Sourcing
- Offered by Rutgers the State University of New Jersey. This course will provide a detailed overview of a Strategic Sourcing Process (7 step ... Enroll for free.

Course 4: Supplier Management
- Offered by Rutgers the State University of New Jersey. This course will cover Supplier Selection and Evaluation, Contract Management, ... Enroll for free.

Course 5: Supply Market Analysis
- Offered by Rutgers the State University of New Jersey. In this course you will learn some tools to evaluate supply markets from a Strategic ... Enroll for free.

Course 6: Procurement Negotiation
- Offered by Rutgers the State University of New Jersey. This course will teach you the necessary negotiation skills to be successful. We ... Enroll for free.

Course 7: Strategic Procurement and Sourcing Conclusions
- Offered by Rutgers the State University of New Jersey. This course will be the final course in the Global Procurement and Sourcing ... Enroll for free.


  • 0 reviews

    8 hours 29 minutes

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    This course will teach you the necessary negotiation skills to be successful. We will be covering the overall negotiation process, how to establish objectives (e.g.Most Desirable Option (MDO), Least Acceptable Alternative (LAA), Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA)), what type and how to gather facts and collect information, the importance of developing a plan, learn your negotiation style, how to use, recognize and counter various tactics, understand the difference between positions vs. interest and need and wants, and lastly what you need to do after the negotiation is complete. This course will be supported by video, readings, a personal style survey, a podcast, and a required "mock" negotiation with a Peer group assessment.
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    5 hours 42 minutes

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    This Course includes basic information on procurement, Importance of the procurement organization and its’ role in the organization, cost vs. value, processes such as the use of RFQ, RFP, RFX, Differences between direct and indirect procurement, and Stakeholder management The course will supported by videos, readings and a required case that will be assessed by a peer review. In addition, a Practice Assessment (multiple choice) is available to the student. This should be helpful as there is a Final Assessment (40 Multiple Choice) at the end of the specialization in Course 7 that is required to obtain the certification.
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    4 hours 23 minutes

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    After a warm Welcome to the Global Procurement and Sourcing Specialization, I will provide a brief introduction to the specialization and its courses covering the following: -Instructor Biography -Who should take this course -Flow of the course Following the introduction, the student will get the opportunity to learn about some of the current challenges facing procurement and sourcing professionals today through reading ten current articles ranging from what is procurement to how to collaborate with suppliers. These articles/knowledge will be a foundation for later courses on how to use tools, processes and improve skills to address many of these opportunities. There will be a brief assessment (true/false) of your knowledge gained from these articles.
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    5 hours 18 minutes

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    In this course you will learn some tools to evaluate supply markets from a Strategic level (e.g. Macro) (PESTLE) to Tactical level (e.g. Industry) (Supply Market Segmentation, Five Forces, Supply Chain Mapping) to Operational Level (Supplier) (Informational Sources, SWOT, Financial Analysis) A total of seven "proven" tools will be provided. All of these tools will help you develop the right strategies, reduce risks, and make the "right" supplier decisions. Required reading, supplemental videos and a required case with a Peer Group Assessment will help you increase your learnings.
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    8 hours 51 minutes

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    This course will cover Supplier Selection and Evaluation, Contract Management, Quality & Risk Management, and Ethics. One of the important decisions that a Procurement professional makes is selecting the right supplier.We will cover how to evaluate suppliers, using a very simple evaluation tool, to select the right suppliers. In contract management we will expose you to six different types of contracts that a procurement professional can consider for the contract. We will highlight 10 risk management strategies that will mitigate risks for your firm. Lastly, we will cover the very important topic of procurement ethics-what to do and not to do in ethically dealing with suppliers. In addition to the videos, there are reading materials, and two cases to support your learnings. Both cases will be assessed via a Peer Group.
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    5 hours 30 minutes

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    This course will provide a detailed overview of a Strategic Sourcing Process (7 step Process): Profile the Category, Develop a Category Sourcing Strategy, Generate Supplier Profile, Choose Competitive Selection or Supplier Development, Select Supplier(s) and Negotiate, Implement, Continuous Improvement/Supplier Relationship Management This course learnings will be supported videos, readings a a required case with peer review.
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    3 hours 42 minutes

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    This course will be the final course in the Global Procurement and Sourcing Specialization. We will covering three things: First, there will be a final set of readings of articles that are looking at the future of Strategic Procurement and Sourcing. While many of the articles differ in their point of view, all the authors focus on the continued important of procurement in the business world today. Second, we will do a complete wrap-up and key takeaways for all of the courses. This will be an excellent review of what you learned in this specialization and will be helpful in the Final Assessment of the course. Lastly, there will be a Required Final Assessment consisting of 40 multiple choice.

Taught by

Don Klock


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