Our Solar System and Beyond: Teaching Primary Science
Offered By: Royal Observatory, Greenwich via FutureLearn
Course Description
Understand the Solar System and how to teach it with real-life astronomers
Understanding the Solar System and how to teach it can be a tricky business. Fortunately astronomers at the Royal Observatory Greenwich are here to help.
In this online course, they’ll help you understand space, address some common misconceptions, and introduce you to the science and people behind real-life, cutting-edge discoveries.
You’ll also find out how to select the most appropriate resources for your primary science lessons. You’ll explore digital resources, museum tips, video chats and podcasts, and find out what works best for your students.
This course is designed for primary school teachers and home educators, who have an interest in expanding their knowledge of space, the Solar System and science more broadly, and improving their primary science lessons.
- Tackling scary science
- Introduction
- Perceptions Of Science
- Explain it!
- Reflect on your teaching
- Common misconceptions
- Teaching primary science and beyond
- Introduction to Week 2
- Teaching Astronomy
- Going off-curriculum
- New Science - Taking It Beyond The Classroom
- Introduction to Week 3
- Real science, real scientists and real data
- Science outside the classoom
- What next?
Taught by
Liz Avery
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