Value-Based Care: Population Health

Offered By: University of Houston via Coursera


Public Health Courses Social Determinants of Health Courses Chronic Disease Management Courses Value-Based Care Courses

Course Description


COURSE 2 of 7. This course is designed to introduce you to the concept of population health and related key terms. Refine your understanding of population health and what influences health care costs. Gain an overview of population health management, beginning with a high-level review of four critical areas: addressing behavioral and social determinants of health, the prevalence of chronic disease, attributes of an aging population, and key barriers of access to health care. Use the Population Health Pyramid to organize a care delivery system to meet the needs of population groups—all with an eye towards achieving better outcomes through the fundamental premise of value-based care. In the summative assignment, bring together the elements of a community health assessment and community health improvement plan into a logical and organized whole by selecting a particular community that is important to you, applying data, and determining relevant assets.


  • Introduction to Population Health
    • This module is an introduction to the concept of population health and related key terms. You will reconnect with concepts you may have explored in Course 1 to refine your understanding of the factors that influence the cost of healthcare through the complex lens of population health. While the information you will explore is general, specifically focusing on population health will help your continued learning and future thinking about value-based care as you progress through this certificate program. Even if you have an understanding of or experience with population health, this module could serve as a useful review. Remember, as you read or hear terms or concepts that are new to you, have your notepad handy to write them down. At any time, you can use your favorite search engine to learn more. Be a self-directed learner!
  • Population Health Management and Value-Based Care
    • This module is designed to introduce you to population health management, beginning with the third dimension of the Kindig model – "Policies and Programs." We'll begin with a high-level review of four critical areas impacting population health management: addressing behavioral and social determinants of health, the prevalence of chronic disease, an aging population, and access to healthcare. Then, we will study the Population Health Pyramid to focus on how to organize a care delivery system to meet the needs of population groups—all with an eye towards the fundamental premise of value-based care. Remember, as you read or hear terms or concepts that are new to you, have your digital document or paper notepad handy to write them down. At any time, you can use your favorite search engine to learn more. Be a self-directed learner!
  • Course Project: Making This My Own
    • Whether you have experience working with matters related to population health or this course represents your introduction to the concept, it is crucial that you know how to bring the elements of a community health assessment (CHA) and community health improvement planning (CHIP) together into a logical and organized whole. While you will not be creating a comprehensive health assessment for this summative assignment, it is valuable to demonstrate your ability to formulate and initiate one by engaging with some of the steps outlined in the Association for Community Health Improvement CHA Toolkit.

Taught by

Lechauncy Woodard, Sara G. McNeil and Susie Gronseth


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