XSLT 2.0 and 1.0 Foundations

Offered By: Pluralsight


XSLT Courses XML Courses XPath Courses Functional Programming Courses Data Processing Courses

Course Description


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XSLT is a powerful, higher-level, declarative and extraordinary member in the family of modern programming languages, due to its pattern-matching philosophy. This is the language for processing XML documents and hierarchical data in general, that opens to us a whole new world of knowledge, understanding and problem-solving strategies.

XSLT is the language, especially designed by the W3C Consortium for processing XML documents and hierarchical data in general. This course covers the fundamentals of the language – both version 1.0 and 2.0. Learn in depth the features of XSLT, and be part of the demos of their real-world practical applications. Not only is XSLT a powerful, higher-level, declarative and extraordinary with its pattern-matching philosophy modern programming language, but it opens to us a whole new world of knowledge, understanding and problem-solving strategies.


  • Introduction 20mins
  • XML Basics 29mins
  • Crash Course in XPath 70mins
  • XSLT Processing Model 45mins
  • Stylesheet Structure and Modularization 34mins
  • Creating Nodes & Sequences. Repetition, Applying Templates, Modes 51mins
  • Callable Units in XSLT 33mins
  • String Processing with XSLT 57mins
  • Keys, Sorting, Grouping, Numbering and Multi-Document Processing 54mins
  • XSLT Design Patterns 47mins
  • Higher Order Functions and Functional Programming in XSLT 49mins
  • Solving Non-traditional Problems with XSLT 30mins

Taught by

Dimitre Novatchev

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