Transforming Robot Production Pipeline Volume 7: Match Moving

Offered By: Pluralsight


NUKEX Courses Maya Courses

Course Description


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In this Professional Series course, we will explore some the techniques and concepts involved in creating a 3D camera animation from footage in NUKEX and cleaning up our footage for later compositing. Software required: NUKEX 6.3v6, Maya 2012.

In this Professional Series course, we will explore some the techniques and concepts involved in creating a 3D camera animation from footage in NUKEX and cleaning up our footage for later compositing. This specific high-level course was designed to evolve your workflows and give you an in-depth look at creating a complete match move from scratch in NUKEX. The objectives for this fast-paced, intensive course include creating a 3D camera and scene to pass off to the 3D department and creating a better piece of footage to give to the final compositors. By the end of this training, you'll have the ability to track your own shots in NUKEX and solve many common match moving and plate cleanup problems. Before we start, we recommend you have experience using NUKE and Maya. We will be moving at a quick pace, so if you're an artist without experience in either of these applications, we have many courses to get you started and improve your skillset. Software required: NUKEX 6.3v6, Maya 2012.


  • Introduction and Project Overview 1min
  • Transforming Robot Production Pipeline Volume 7: Match Moving 144mins

Taught by

Chris Glick

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