Creating a Tileable Material in Substance Designer

Offered By: Pluralsight


Substance Courses ZBrush Courses Procedural Texturing Courses

Course Description


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In this Substance Designer tutorial, we'll learn a variety of methods to create a tileable material. Software required: Substance Designer 5.1, ZBrush 4, Marmoset Toolbag 2.07.

In this Substance Designer tutorial, we'll learn a variety of methods to create a tileable material. We'll explore fully procedural techniques by using noise nodes and processing nodes to create our basic shapes. We'll also learn how to utilize common methods of texturing such as utilizing a ZBrush sculpt and photo-sourcing a texture to add detail to our material. In exploring various techniques, we'll learn how Substance Designer can be used to enhance and compliment the techniques already implemented in modern texturing pipelines. By the end of this Substance Designer training, you'll have working knowledge techniques and the tools necessary to be able to adapt for your own specific texturing needs. Software required: Substance Designer 5.1, ZBrush 4, Marmoset Toolbag 2.07.


  • Introduction and Project Overview 1min
  • Creating a Tileable Material in Substance Designer 111mins

Taught by

Arvin Villapando

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