Creating a 3D Scene with a 2D Image in NUKEX

Offered By: Pluralsight


NUKEX Courses Animation Courses 3D Design Courses Visual Effects Courses Particle Systems Courses

Course Description


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In this series of tutorials, we will learn how to create 3D depth from a 2D image.

In this series of tutorials, we will learn how to create 3D depth from a 2D image. We will begin by isolating our image using multiple Roto and RotoPaint nodes. Then, we learn how to use Card, Scene, Camera, and ScanlineRender nodes to set up the scene in 3D space with the option for a 2D view. This course is full of tips for getting your particles to look realistic, how to make them more customized, and integrate them into the 2.5D images you are using. By the end of this training, you will have your own 2.5D scene as well as the ability to rebuild this style using other types of images.


  • Introduction and Project Overview 0mins
  • Creating a 3D Scene with a 2D Image in NUKEX 98mins

Taught by

Laura Hawk

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