Speed Sculpting a Cartoon Head in ZBrush
Offered By: Pluralsight
Course Description
During this ZBrush tutorial, you will learn how to speed sculpt a cartoon head from start to finish. Software required: ZBrush 4R4.
During this ZBrush tutorial, you will learn how to speed sculpt a cartoon head from start to finish. First, we will make custom brushes, and then we will learn how to put together a custom user interface for speed. After that, we will delve right into using DynaMesh and masking to pull out our shapes. We will continue refining the head and polishing it to get a clean sculpt. Then we will add a hat and sweater along with FiberMesh hair. Lastly, we will setup a LightCap and render out a character sheet and a turntable with professional results. Software required: ZBrush 4R4.
During this ZBrush tutorial, you will learn how to speed sculpt a cartoon head from start to finish. First, we will make custom brushes, and then we will learn how to put together a custom user interface for speed. After that, we will delve right into using DynaMesh and masking to pull out our shapes. We will continue refining the head and polishing it to get a clean sculpt. Then we will add a hat and sweater along with FiberMesh hair. Lastly, we will setup a LightCap and render out a character sheet and a turntable with professional results. Software required: ZBrush 4R4.
- Introduction and Project Overview 1min
- Speed Sculpting a Cartoon Head in ZBrush 204mins
Taught by
Shane Olson
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