SOLIDWORKS Essentials - Basic Part Modeling

Offered By: Pluralsight


SOLIDWORKS Courses Dimensioning Courses Sketching Courses Part Modeling Courses

Course Description


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Ready to learn part modeling in SOLIDWORKS? In this course we will create a 2D drawing with a front, top, right, and isometric view. Start learning today!

We are going to start modeling a sample part, but we need to learn the basics of starting a part, starting a sketch, and what entities we can sketch. When we are sketching, we need to learn about relationships and how dimensioning can help us go from an under defined sketch to a fully defined sketch. We will have features that add material and remove material. Once we are done, we will look at creating a 2D drawing with a front, top, right and isometric view. Software required: SOLIDWORKS.


  • Course Overview 1min
  • Creating Your Part with Design Intent 63mins
  • Remove Material, Fillets, and Holes 16mins
  • Creating Drawings 18mins

Taught by

Tony Riggs

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