Secure Software Concepts for CSSLP®

Offered By: Pluralsight


CSSLP (Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional) Courses Software Security Courses

Course Description


This is the foundational course for the CSSLP(R) examination. Many exam candidates find this to be the hardest area to prepare for. This course will provide you with the knowledge needed to understand the concepts of security in software.

This course is essential in preparing designing secure software and preparing for the CSSLP(R) examination. In this course, Secure Software Concepts for CSSLP, you will learn foundational knowledge needed to understand security from the perspective of a software engineer. First, you will discover the core concepts of software security. Next, you will learn the process of secure software design. Finally, you will explore how to understand the risk and control environment as it relates to software. When you’re finished with this course, you will have the skills and knowledge of software security needed to prepare for the CSSLP examination and to design secure software.

Taught by

Kevin Henry

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