Object-oriented Ruby Fundamentals
Offered By: Pluralsight
Course Description
Ruby is a dynamic, thoroughly object-oriented programming language with a focus on developer happiness and productivity. This course will teach you how to write object-oriented code with Ruby.
Are you looking to become familiar with all the object-oriented programming features in Ruby? In this course, Object-oriented Ruby 2 Fundamentals, you’ll learn to implement object-oriented designs with Ruby. First, you’ll explore classes, objects, and inheritance. Next, you’ll learn about modules. Finally, you’ll discover how to follow the principles of object-oriented design in Ruby. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of the features of the language needed to write object-oriented code in Ruby.
Are you looking to become familiar with all the object-oriented programming features in Ruby? In this course, Object-oriented Ruby 2 Fundamentals, you’ll learn to implement object-oriented designs with Ruby. First, you’ll explore classes, objects, and inheritance. Next, you’ll learn about modules. Finally, you’ll discover how to follow the principles of object-oriented design in Ruby. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of the features of the language needed to write object-oriented code in Ruby.
- Course Overview 1min
- Classes and Objects 30mins
- Dynamic Aspects of Class and Object Definitions 26mins
- Modeling Data Hierarchies with Inheritance 20mins
- Using Modules to Organize and Reuse Functionality 20mins
- Implementing Object-oriented Designs 22mins
Taught by
Alex Korban
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