Rapidly Creating Stylized Game Assets in ZBrush

Offered By: Pluralsight


ZBrush Courses 3d Modeling Courses Game Asset Creation Courses

Course Description


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Knowledge of modern modeling practices is needed to create props in today's competitive game development market. In this course you'll examine the provided concept and existing artwork of a prop and create a high detail model that fits those details. Software require: 3ds Max 2017, ZBrush.

Throughout this tutorial, we'll look at how we can create detailed game assets without a concept and within a very short time frame. We will also look at the steps required to rapidly build an asset almost entirely within ZBrush. In ZBrush, we will sketch out our silhouette and begin designing our weapon while still in 3D. Then we will break the sketch into a more production-ready model and create a quick and iterative pipeline for testing out our model in the game immediately. Afterwards we'll detail our asset to finalize it. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a solid, flexible, and iterative workflow that will help you crank out great art in a fraction of the time it would normally take. Software required: ZBrush 4r7, xNormal, Marmoset Toolbag.


  • Course Overview 0mins
  • Blocking In 42mins
  • Designing the Unknown 53mins
  • Preparing for Zbrush 48mins
  • Sculpting Fundamentals 61mins
  • Sculpting Details 53mins

Taught by

Dan John Cox

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