Introduction to Protractor
Offered By: Pluralsight
Course Description
Protractor is an automated testing framework for testing AngularJS applications in the browser. This course will walk through the basics of Protractor while discussing how Protractor can fit into a development workflow.
Protractor is an automated testing framework for testing AngularJS applications in the browser. It simulates a user interacting with the website by filling out forms, clicking on elements, and navigating from page to page. In this course, we'll look at the Protractor basics, for example, how to write a simple test. We'll also take a look at a lot of the features that Protractor uses to interact with Angular. We'll discuss how Protractor can fit into a normal development workflow and how it can be used by a team. We'll end by looking at some ways to make sure our Protractor tests are maintainable and easy to read.
Protractor is an automated testing framework for testing AngularJS applications in the browser. It simulates a user interacting with the website by filling out forms, clicking on elements, and navigating from page to page. In this course, we'll look at the Protractor basics, for example, how to write a simple test. We'll also take a look at a lot of the features that Protractor uses to interact with Angular. We'll discuss how Protractor can fit into a normal development workflow and how it can be used by a team. We'll end by looking at some ways to make sure our Protractor tests are maintainable and easy to read.
- Getting Started 14mins
- Writing Our First Test 20mins
- Locators and Test Suites 27mins
- Page Objects 20mins
Taught by
Nate Taylor
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