Performance-Based Dynamics in Maya

Offered By: Pluralsight


Soft Body Dynamics Courses Animation Courses 3D Art Courses

Course Description


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In this set of tutorials, we will learn techniques for setting up dynamics-based rigs that are stable and convenient for animation. The objective of this course is to learn how systems can be developed to achieve more desirable results from your soft and rigid simulations. Software required: Autodesk, Maya 2014.

In this set of tutorials, we will learn techniques for setting up dynamics-based rigs that are stable and convenient for animation. The objective of this course is to learn how systems can be developed to achieve more desirable results from your soft and rigid simulations. We'll start by setting up our own muscle object with the help of soft body dynamics and a few other tools native to Maya. We'll then learn how to attach our muscle system to a control rig with time-saving steps. Afterwards, we'll delve into a rigid body tool that can be implemented to save time in the setup process for rigid body simulations. We'll also have a look at nCloth and learn how it can be used to simulate rigid-type dynamics. By the end of this training, you will have the knowledge you need to develop your own performance-based dynamics systems. Software required: Autodesk, Maya 2014.


  • Introduction and Project Overview 1min
  • Performance-based Dynamics in Maya 129mins

Taught by

Delano Athias

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