Creating a Pegasus Using XGen in Maya

Offered By: Pluralsight


Maya Courses Animation Courses 3d Modeling Courses Character Design Courses Digital Sculpting Courses XGen Courses

Course Description


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Throughout this tutorial, we'll be utilizing Maya's new suite of tools known as XGen. Software required: Maya 2014.

Throughout this tutorial, we'll be utilizing Maya's new suite of tools known as XGen. Originally used by Disney Animation Studios, XGen enables the user to generate curves, spheres, or custom geometry across the surface of a model. These instances can then be controlled by a host of intuitive tools, including guides, curves, expressions and also grooming brushes. To help demonstrate the key areas of XGen, we will be adding feathers, hair and fur to a basic Pegasus model. By the end of this training, you'll have a solid understanding of XGen and be fully equipped with the knowledge to move on and use this powerful tool set in your future projects. The horse model is provided by www.nonecg.com Software required: Maya 2014.


  • Introduction and Project Overview 1min
  • Creating a Pegasus Using XGen in Maya 148mins

Taught by

Antony Ward

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