Mutation Testing in Java with Pitest

Offered By: Pluralsight


Mutation Testing Courses Java Courses Unit Testing Courses

Course Description


Traditional unit testing techniques like TDD and code coverage are not enough to write high-quality unit tests. In this course, you'll learn how mutation testing can help you write better tests.

At the core of mutation testing is a thorough knowledge of creating a test suite that you can trust. In this course, Mutation Testing in Java with Pitest, you'll learn how to evaluate your unit tests and improve them using Pitest. First, you’ll understand what mutation testing is and why it's needed. Next, you'll learn how to use Pitest to introduce small changes to your program and see if your unit tests can detect it. Finally, you'll discover how the results of mutation testing can be analyzed to discover bad tests. When you're finished with this course, you'll have a foundational knowledge of mutation testing that will help you as you move forward to test your programs in a better way.


  • Course Overview 1min
  • Introducing Mutation Testing 22mins
  • Performing Mutation Testing with Pitest 25mins
  • Detecting Bad Tests with Mutation Testing 18mins
  • Working with Mutation Operators 22mins
  • Exploring Pitest Configuration Options 17mins
  • Using Mutation Testing in the Real World 12mins

Taught by

Esteban Herrera

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