Modeling a Cocktail Ring in Rhino

Offered By: Pluralsight


Jewelry Design Courses Animation Courses ZBrush Courses KeyShot Courses 3d Modeling Courses T-Splines Courses

Course Description


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In this Rhino tutorial, we'll explore valuable techniques for modeling jewelry. Software required: Rhino 5, ZBrush 4R6, T-Splines for Rhino, KeyShot 4.

In this Rhino tutorial, we'll explore valuable techniques for modeling jewelry. We'll be implementing jewelry modeling techniques that are used in the industry today. We'll add very complex organic surfaces using ZBrush and converting it into a Rhino file. We'll also prepare our model for rendering and creating a simple turntable animation. By the end of this Rhino training, you'll be able to model a high resolution jewelry design and prepare a rendering using KeyShot. Software required: Rhino 5, ZBrush 4R6, T-Splines for Rhino, KeyShot 4.


  • Introduction and Project Overview 1min
  • Modeling a Cocktail Ring in Rhino 178mins

Taught by

Jean Gorospe

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