Mining Data from Networks
Offered By: Pluralsight
Course Description
NetworkX is a widely-used data science and machine learning software library. This course will teach you the basics of implementing network analysis using NetworkX, including visualization, link prediction, and collaborative filtering systems.
Data Science and Machine Learning are rapidly growing fields that use scientific methods and processes to extract useful knowledge and insights from data. In this course, Mining Data from Networks, you will learn foundational knowledge of solving real world data science problems. First, you will learn the basics of implementing network analysis including understanding and visualizing network data. Next, you will discover how to define and identify important network data using NetworkX and Python. Finally, you will explore understanding and implementing link prediction and collaborative filtering systems. When you’re finished with this course, you will have the skills and knowledge of NetworkX needed to solve data science and machine learning problems.
Data Science and Machine Learning are rapidly growing fields that use scientific methods and processes to extract useful knowledge and insights from data. In this course, Mining Data from Networks, you will learn foundational knowledge of solving real world data science problems. First, you will learn the basics of implementing network analysis including understanding and visualizing network data. Next, you will discover how to define and identify important network data using NetworkX and Python. Finally, you will explore understanding and implementing link prediction and collaborative filtering systems. When you’re finished with this course, you will have the skills and knowledge of NetworkX needed to solve data science and machine learning problems.
Taught by
Justin Flett
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