Microsoft Azure IoT Developer: Configure IoT Edge Devices

Offered By: Pluralsight


Microsoft Azure Courses Modbus Courses Azure IoT Hub Courses

Course Description


Are you preparing for the Microsoft Azure IoT Developer Specialty exam, AZ-220? This course will teach you how to configure Azure IoT Edge devices.

Azure IoT Edge moves your existing business logic to devices operating at the edge. In this course, Microsoft Azure IoT Developer: Configure IoT Edge Devices, you’ll learn to work with advanced Azure IoT Edge features. First, you’ll explore module-to-module communication. Next, you’ll discover different IoT Edge gateway patterns. Finally, you’ll learn how to use Modbus and OPC devices with Azure IoT Hub and configure IoT Edge offline support. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of Azure IoT Edge needed to prepare for Azure IoT Developer Specialty exam AZ-220.

Taught by

Reza Salehi

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