Microsoft Azure DevOps Engineer: Implement a Secure and Compliant Development Process

Offered By: Pluralsight


Microsoft Azure Courses Penetration Testing Courses Azure DevOps Courses Secret Management Courses Automated Security Testing Courses

Course Description


This course will teach you how to implement secure development practices and automated security testing into your Azure DevOps Pipelines. You'll learn to integrate code scanning, penetration testing, and secret management into Pipelines.

It's no longer acceptable to just perform security testing at the end of long development cycles. With modern DevOps practices, frequent production releases are normal, so an approach is needed to automate security testing in the CI/CD process. In this course, Microsoft Azure DevOps Engineer: Implement a Secure and Compliant Development Process, you'll learn how to implement secure development practices in your Azure DevOps Pipelines. First, you'll learn how to integrate automated code scanning in your pipelines to detect coding errors that could cause security vulnerabilities. Next, you'll discover how to implement tasks to detect vulnerabilities in open source libraries your code uses. Then, you'll explore how to automatically conduct a penetration test when your application is deployed to a test environment. Finally, you'll learn how to properly handle application secrets like database passwords or certificates in your deployment process. When you're finished with this course, you'll have the skills and knowledge needed to integrate secure development practices into your Azure DevOps Pipelines.

Taught by

Neil Morrissey

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