Linear Workflow in After Effects

Offered By: Pluralsight


Linear Workflow Courses Compositing Courses

Course Description


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Welcome to Linear Workflow in After Effects. We are going to start off going over how light behaves linearly and how our vision system perceives light non-linearly. Software required: After Effects CC 2015.

Welcome to Linear Workflow in After Effects. We are going to start off going over how light behaves linearly and how our vision system perceives light non-linearly. Then, we will learn what video gamma space is and why we use it to store standard digital images. After that, we will go over some of the problems that occur when you composite in video gamma space. We will see all the advantages of a 32-bit float using a Cineon file, and we will also learn more about the advantages of working in linear gamma instead of video gamma. Then we will set up a project in linear color space and see what After Effects is doing behind the scenes. Finally, we will put theory into practice and composite a forest fire in linear gamma, learning how to render it out and comparing it to the same shot in video gamma. Software required: After Effects CC 2015.


  • Introduction and Project Overview 1min
  • Linear Workflow in After Effects 46mins

Taught by

Evan Clarke James

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