Lighting a Short Film Sequence in RenderMan

Offered By: Pluralsight


Cinematic Lighting Courses Maya Courses Nuke Courses Short Film Production Courses RenderMan Courses

Course Description


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Learn to light a short film sequence maintaining continuity between different shots using Maya, RenderMan RIS and NUKE. Software required: Maya 2016, NUKEX 9, RenderMan 20, XGen, NUKE Studio.

In this RenderMan course, we'll learn how to light a short film sequence maintaining continuity between different shots using Maya, RenderMan RIS and NUKE. We'll also explore how to maintain a cinematic style. We'll then learn about propagation of shots and handling shot assets for different formats such as Alembic. By the end of this RenderMan training, you'll have a thorough understanding of how a scene can be lit for a short film. Software required: Maya 2016, NUKEX 9, RenderMan 20, XGen, NUKE Studio.


  • Introduction and Project Overview 1min
  • Lighting a Short Film Sequence in RenderMan 237mins

Taught by

Miguel Lleras Villaveces

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