UX Engineering Process

Offered By: Pluralsight


User Experience Courses Team Building Courses

Course Description


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Bill Scott leverages his experience as Director of UI Engineering at Netflix and now Sr. Director at PayPal to teach us concepts behind delivering great experiences in the interfaces we build. He applies lean startup principles to UI engineering in order to teach how to develop an effective process, team and lean tech stack to achieve rapid experimentation and learning in the products we build.

Bill Scott leverages his experience as Director of UI Engineering at Netflix and now Sr. Director at PayPal to teach us concepts behind delivering great experiences in the interfaces we build. He applies lean startup principles to UI engineering in order to teach how to develop an effective process, team and lean tech stack to achieve rapid experimentation and learning in the products we build.


  • Introduction 3mins
  • Building Products 78mins
  • Lean UX 89mins
  • Lean Tech Stack 93mins
  • Anti-Patterns 58mins

Taught by

Bill Scott

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