Kotlin Fundamentals

Offered By: Pluralsight


Kotlin Courses Functional Programming Courses Higher-Order Functions Courses Immutability Courses

Course Description


Kotlin brings modern idioms to the Java platform, reducing the amount of code needed to develop software.

Kotlin is a new language for writing applications on the JVM. Kotlin was developed by JetBrains, the company that created IntelliJ Idea and Resharper, amongst other tools. Kotlin has recently been adopted by Gradle as the language in which their build DSL will be written. Kotlin is a more modern version of Java. It adopts functional ideas such as immutability and first-class functions, out of the box, and it is also object oriented. In this course, Kotlin Fundamentals, you'll get an in depth look at using Kotlin applications with no prior Kotlin knowledge needed. First, you'll discover how to use Kotlin for functional programming. Next, you'll explore the reification of generic types. Then, you'll get a better understanding of immutability and null checks in Kotlin. Finally, you'll wrap up the course with learning how to use higher order functions. By the end of this course, you'll know the syntax and features of Kotlin.

Taught by

Kevin Jones

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