Introduction to Animation in 3ds Max 2014

Offered By: Pluralsight


Autodesk 3ds Max Courses 3d Animation Courses Keyframing Courses Dope Sheets Courses

Course Description


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In this set of tutorials, we will learn about the animation tools of 3ds Max. Software required: Autodesk 3ds Max 2014.

In this set of tutorials, we will learn about the animation tools of 3ds Max. In this training, we will learn about 3ds Max's Time Configuration Panel and keyframing process. We'll learn how to manage animation from the Track Bar, Curve Editor, and Dope Sheet. We'll learn about path animation, how to work non-destructively with animation layers and how to animate with constraints. We'll also learn how to save and import animation. By the end, you'll have the know-how to animate comfortably with 3ds Max's animation tools. Software required: Autodesk 3ds Max 2014.


  • Introduction and Project Overview 0mins
  • Introduction to Animation in 3ds Max 2014 169mins

Taught by

Delano Athias

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