The IT Ops Sessions: Generating a Software Bill of Materials for Docker Images

Offered By: Pluralsight


Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) Courses Vulnerability Management Courses Vulnerability Scanning Courses

Course Description


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In this IT Ops session, you’ll learn what a software bill of materials is and how to generate one for your Docker images.

The IT Ops sessions are short-form conference-style sessions, minus the conference. In this session, Generating a Software Bill of Materials for Docker Images, you’ll learn exactly what a software bill of materials (SBOM) is, why they are important, and how to effectively generate one for your Docker images. You'll also explore how to use SBOM for vulnerability scanning using Grype. When you’re finished with this session, you’ll have a better understanding of what an SBOM is and why you need one.


  • Generating a Software Bill of Materials for Docker Images 31mins

Taught by

Esteban Herrera

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