Creating Dynamic Fur with XGen in Maya

Offered By: Pluralsight


Maya Courses Character Animation Courses Mental Ray Courses XGen Courses

Course Description


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In this Maya tutorial, we'll use the XGen system inside of Maya to create fur on an animated mesh. Software required: Maya 2016, Zbrush 4r7, mental ray.

In this Maya tutorial, we'll use the XGen system inside of Maya to create fur on an animated mesh. We'll go over many of the tools found within XGen, but will mainly focus on the Groom and Spline features. In addition to creating fur, we'll also learn how to create and convert texture maps into Ptex maps compatible with XGen as well as learn about adding secondary dynamic motion to our fur using modifiers. Finally, we'll learn how to render our results using mental ray. By the end of this Maya training, you'll have the skills to create both moving and static fur on your own characters using XGen in Maya. Software required: Maya 2016, Zbrush 4r7, mental ray.


  • Introduction and Project Overview 1min
  • Creating Dynamic Fur with XGen in Maya 199mins

Taught by

Peter Gend

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