Dreamweaver CC 2015 Responsive Design with Bootstrap

Offered By: Pluralsight


Adobe Dreamweaver Courses Web Development Courses Bootstrap Courses Web Design Courses Responsive Web Design Courses

Course Description


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Learn how to create websites that work well on any device. This course guides you through developing a responsive website in Adobe Dreamweaver using the Bootstrap framework. Software required: Dreamweaver CC.

You, too, can create websites that function well and look great whether they're accessed on a desktop, tablet, or mobile phone. This course, Dreamweaver CC Responsive Design with Bootstrap, guides you through developing a responsive website in Adobe Dreamweaver using the Bootstrap framework. First, you'll learn about what responsive design is and its role in modern web design. Next, you'll review all the features built into Dreamweaver for working with Bootstrap. Finally, you'll build a complete responsive website from a Photoshop mock-up and test your site on various devices. By the end of this course, you'll be able to develop great websites for any device that your users will love. Software required: Dreamweaver CC.


  • Course Overview 2mins
  • Understanding Bootstrap & Dreamweaver 23mins
  • Setup the Bootstrap Project 17mins
  • Working with the Bootstrap Grid System 24mins
  • Working with Bootstrap Components 73mins
  • Build Pages for a Website Design 96mins
  • Add Text, Images, and CSS Using the Extract Panel 78mins

Taught by

Dan Carr

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