.NET MAUI: The Big Picture

Offered By: Pluralsight


.NET MAUI Courses Windows Courses Productivity Courses macOS Courses

Course Description


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This course is an introduction of Microsoft .NET MAUI, a
framework for creating applications using the same code fro
Android, iOS, MacOS, and Windows desktop.

In this course, .NET MAUI: The Big Picture, you will be introduced to .the .NET MAUI Framework. .NET MAUI is the successor to Xamarin.Forms and is designed to allow the developer to create high quality applications that can run on Android, iOS, MacOS, and Windows. You will see how the application will use shard code, while still providing the ability to access native features available on each platform. When you have finished this course, you will understand at a high level how .NET MAUI can make you more productive. We will also compare .NET MAUI to other frameworks for creating cross-platform applications.


  • Course Overview 1min
  • Introducing .NET MAUI 22mins
  • Setting up the Development Environment 18mins
  • How to Build a .NET MAUI Application 18mins

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