Defense Evasion with Meterpreter

Offered By: Pluralsight


Penetration Testing Courses Network Security Courses Endpoint Security Courses Meterpreter Courses

Course Description


Learning Defense Evasion is a prerequisite for using Metasploit tooling successfully in a secure environment. This course will teach you how to stay under the radar and evade detection even in highly secure environments.

The ability to evade defenses is a vital skill for anyone involved in penetration testing or red-teaming engagements in secure environments. In this course, Defense Evasion with Meterpreter, you will learn to customize your Meterpreter tooling to stay under the radar and avoid detection. First, you will explore the inner workings of Metasploit’s Meterpreter payloads and how many endpoint security tools work. Next, you will discover how to slip past signature-based detections on disk and in memory. Finally, you will learn how to defeat emulators and heuristic analysis engines as well as network-based security tools. When you are finished with this course, you will have the skills and knowledge required to conduct security assessments successfully in highly secured networks.


  • Course Overview 1min
  • Meterpreter Deep Dive 25mins
  • Antivirus and EDR 30mins
  • Evading Antivirus on Disk 24mins
  • Evading Antivirus Heuristics 18mins
  • Evading Detection in Memory 7mins
  • Evading Detection on the Network 13mins
  • Course Conclusion 3mins

Taught by

William Hardy

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