Creating Custom Templates in ARCHICAD

Offered By: Pluralsight


Archicad Courses

Course Description


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Throughout these lessons, we will explore the depths of ARCHICAD by learning how to create custom templates to fit your office standards, esthetic, and personal choices. Software required: ARCHICAD 18.

Throughout these lessons, we will explore the depths of ARCHICAD by learning how to create custom templates to fit your office standards, esthetic, and personal choices. We will discuss how to set up layers and layer combinations, how to adjust pen colors and weights, and much more. We will also talk about how to create favorites and organize our templates so you can use them again and again. By the end of this tutorial you will have a fundamental working knowledge of how to design your very own templates in ARCHICAD. Software required: ARCHICAD 18.


  • Introduction and Project Overview 1min
  • Creating Custom Templates in ARCHICAD 144mins

Taught by

Willard Williams

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