Building a Realistic Aerial Forest Scene in 3ds Max

Offered By: Pluralsight


Autodesk 3ds Max Courses 3d Modeling Courses Post-Processing Courses Vray Courses

Course Description


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In this 3ds Max tutorial, we'll learn how to assemble and generate a realistic aerial forest scene from scratch. Software required: 3ds Max 2015 SP3+, Vray SP2, Adani Tools maxscript 0.95+, NUKE 8, Forest Pack Pro 4.3.7+.

In this 3ds Max tutorial, we'll learn how to assemble and generate a realistic aerial forest scene from scratch. We'll look at understanding some complex shader setups before exploring how to logically vary plant distribution. By the end of this 3ds Max training, you'll have a good understanding of how to keep a good balance of the artistic with the technical side while working with image-based lighting and post-processing passes in NUKE. Software required: 3ds Max 2015 SP3+, Vray SP2, Adani Tools maxscript 0.95+, NUKE 8, Forest Pack Pro 4.3.7+.


  • Introduction and Project Overview 1min
  • Building a Realistic Aerial Forest Scene in 3ds Max 139mins

Taught by

Ashish Dani

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